Sacraments - Please call the parish office at 407-363-7405.
Baptism - New Life is truly a gift from God. We are happy to welcome your child into the Church. In the Maronite Rite, the baptized also receives Confirmation at the same time. Parents wishing to have their child(ren) baptized and confirmed at St. Jude’s should call the parish office at least six weeks prior to the date they desire. Parents should be registered parishioners of St. Jude parish.
First Communion - In Holy Communion, your child takes the next step into full initiation into the Church. Children should be age 7 or older to prepare for the sacrament and should be registered in our Religious Education program.
Reconciliation - In First Reconciliation, we learn that God is willing to forgive our sins when we strive to be our best and are truly repentant. First Reconciliation is part of the preparation for First Eucharist.
Confirmation - The Sacrament of Confirmation is a sacrament in which the Holy Spirit is given to those already baptized in order to make them strong and perfect Christians. All those wishing to be confirmed should be registered in our Religious Education program.
Matrimony - Preparation for marriage should begin at least six months prior to the desired wedding date so couples may participate in pre-marriage preparation and counseling. Either future bride or groom should be registered at St. Jude and attending mass for at least 3 months.
Holy Orders - Some people are called to marriage, others to the single life, and some to a deeper relationship with God and His church through a religious vocation in becoming a priest, sister, or brother. Please call the parish office and speak to Fr. Elie.
Anointing of the Sick - The anointing of the sick conveys several graces and imparts gifts of strengthening in the Holy Spirit against anxiety, discouragement, and temptation, and conveys peace and fortitude (CCC 1520). A person does not have to be in great danger of eminent death to receive the sacrament. The elderly can be anointed, those with serious illness, or those who will undergo surgery soon. We would appreciate being informed about the sick or aged who are unable to attend mass.

RCIA (Rite of Initiation for Adults) - New classes begin each fall.